Drifting Huskarl – Ludum Jam edition

Drifting Huskarl – Ludum Jam edition

Well, we did it. We made a game in 72 hours.

The theme we were given was “Alone”. So we made a roguelike survival game. The plotline: you wake up on a spaceship with almost no life support. Your goal: survive, and maybe (if you’re incredibly lucky) reactivate the helm computers.

Windows version
Mac version
Linux / Source version – to get this to work on Linux, install the LÖVE engine, then run “love driftinghuskarl_ludum.love” in a terminal.

Still contains a fair few bugs and glitches. But hey, for a three-day project I think it worked out surprisingly well. We’ll probably keep adding to it and building on extra features and so forth.

Map generator by Ben, gameplay and graphics by Andrew.

This game was written in Lua, using the LÖVE engine. The music is “Steppe” by Doc, used under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license.

3 Responses to “Drifting Huskarl – Ludum Jam edition”

  1. Dark Field Games » Blog Archive » Evolution Or Revolution – Ludum Dare Edition Says:

    […] Drifting Huskarl – Ludum Jam edition […]

  2. thepcaa Says:

    Hi! I can’t install it on my Windows 8 (

  3. cosmosquark Says:

    Hummm. When we get the chance, we will look into building a windows 8 version.

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