DOWNLOAD VERSION 0.5Screenshots:Download:Windows:Static Friction Game 0.5 Stable + Spring Game Engine - 245.9 Mb portable .zip archive Spring Game Engine Installer - 24Mb .exe Static Friction Game 0.5 Stable - 149.6Mb .sdz The easiest way to get this game running is to download the portable archive, extract it somewhere, and run springlobby.exe . There are a few maps included; you'll need to select "Static Friction 0.3 Stable" from the mods list before the game'll work. If the portable version doesn't work, or you just want an installed copy, there's an installer for the game engine on Once you've installed the game engine, you'll need to put a copy of Static Friction in your C:/Program Files/Spring/mods/ directory. Double-clicking on the .sdz file might automatically move it to the right place, or it might not. There aren't any maps included in the game engine, so you'll need to download some yourself. To start playing, run SpringLobby. More maps are available from various places on the internet; I'd recommend to get you started. Linux:Static Friction Game 0.5 Stable - 149.6Mb .sdz There's no portable archive for Linux yet (I'm working on it). To get the game working, you'll need to install the game engine for your particular distro; has debs and rpms and tarballs and Ubuntu repositories and dependencies and instructions and so on. Once you've got the game engine (and some maps), you'll need to put the .sdz archive in ~/.spring/mods/ , and then run springlobby. Mac:You mean Mac users actually play computer games? I'm amazed. In theory, Static Friction will work on Macs, but in practice there's no installer for the more recent versions of the game engine, so you'll probably have to compile it from source yourself. There are instructions on With thanks to the Spring Game Engine, EvolutionRTS, NanoBlobs, various coders on the Spring forums, for the web address, for hosting, various friends for ideas and playtesting, and probably several other people who I've completely forgotten. Static Friction is a Secret Anonymous production . |